what's the point?

riktigt dålig dag, svullna ögon, klump i magen och ångest i hela hjärtat. just nu existerar jag bara, jag lever inte, det känns som jag befinner mig i en bubbla, jobbigaste natten på jag vet inte hur länge, kan inte förklara, orkar inte, har ingen energi till något. låt texten säger allt;

he was warm, he came around like he was dignified.
he showed me what it was to cry, well you couldn't be that man that i adored.
you don't seem to know or seem to care what you'r heart is for.
i don't know him anymore.
that's what's going on, nothing's fine i'm torn!
i'm all out of faith, this is how i feel.
i'm cold and i'm ashamed bound and broken on the floor.
illiusion never changed into something real.
i'm wide awake and ia see the perfect sky is torn.
you're a little late, i'm already torn..


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